Massage Types: Don’t Know What to Ask For?

Massage Types: Don’t Know What to Ask For?

Don’t know what massage type to ask for when booking your appointment?

Massage types that you will commonly see:

  • deep tissue
  • Swedish
  • neuromuscular therapy
  • structural integration
  • myofascial release
  • sports
  • integrative

Sports Massage

If you are an athlete, runner, or just like to participate in sports, you may want to consider a deep tissue or sports massage. Deep tissue works with specific muscle groups to release chronic tension and often pain. Sports massage is used to assess issues, aiding in rehabilitation and better performance. Sports therapy can include a variety of modalities that are valuable to the recovery, repair and healing processes.

Structural Integration

Are you having trouble moving with ease or feeling out of balance? Structural integration works with the fascia (connective tissue) that surrounds muscle, organs, and nerves. This connective tissue can become bound up and less elastic over time. As it becomes shorter and more dense, it can cause posture and movement issues. This can result in discomfort and fatigue. As you go through a series of structural integration sessions, you will notice feeling more in alignment with gravity and ease of movement.



Are you struggling with tension and looking for some relaxation? Swedish is a combination of long and kneading strokes designed to relieve muscle tension and promote deep relaxation. It also increases circulation and may help after an injury.

Neuromuscular Therapy

Do you have a repetitive movement injury? Are you having issues with circulation, nerve compression, or posture? Neuromuscular therapy is used to treat chronic pain that involves both the muscular and nervous systems. Another name for this is trigger point therapy. This type of body work is often combined with other modalities to treat the underlying causes of pain.

Integrative Massage

This type of work involves the application of several specific techniques that target the specific needs of the client. The session is designed for the client and the best therapeutic results. Often the massage professional will use Swedish techniques to alleviate stress, deep tissue to address areas of tension, structural integration to create better alignment, and neuromuscular therapy to treat trigger points. If you want an appointment designed to meet a variety of needs, ask for integrative therapy.

These are some of the more frequently used techniques. There are also mind-body techniques that can help to ease pain and depression. These include Reiki, EFT, Healing Touch, meditation, and biofeedback… to name a few. When booking an appointment it’s always a good idea to call your massage therapist or local center to discuss therapy options.

Massage Therapy Reduces and May Even Eliminate the Effects of Stress

“The Consequences of Stress… Experts estimate that 80 percent to 90 percent of disease is stress-related. Massage and bodywork is there to combat that frightening number by helping us remember what it means to relax. The physical changes massage brings to your body can have a positive effect in many areas of your life. Besides increasing relaxation and decreasing anxiety, massage lowers your blood pressure, increases circulation, improves recovery from injury, helps you to sleep better and can increase your concentration. It reduces fatigue and gives you more energy to handle stressful situations. Massage is a perfect elixir for good health, but it can also provide an integration of body and mind. By producing a meditative state or heightened awareness of living in the present moment, massage can provide emotional and spiritual balance, bringing with it true relaxation and peace.The incredible benefits of massage are doubly powerful if taken in regular “doses.” Dr. Maria Hernandez-Reif, from the Touch Research Institute (TRI) at the University of Miami, is known for her massage research, along with colleague Tiffany Field. Together, they and other researchers have done outstanding work proving the value of massage. While their studies have shown we can benefit from massage even in small doses (15 minutes of chair massage or a half-hour table session), Hernandez-Reif says they know from their research that receiving bodywork 2-3 times a week is highly beneficial. And if we lived in a fantasy world, Hernandez-Reif has the answer. “I feel a daily massage is optimal.”It’s undoubtedly a wonderful thing when your therapist begins unwinding those stress-tightened muscles, and your day’s troubles begin to fade away. But it’s the cherry on top to know this “medicine” only gets better with frequency.”

This excerpt is taken from an article written by Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals. To read more about the benefits of massage, go to


What Happens During Sports Massage?

Sports massage is a type of deep Swedish massage that aims at increasing circulation and the flow of lymphatic fluids. Sports massage also focuses on breaking up adhesions and increasing joint range of motion.

When would you get a sports massage?

  1. *Before a sports event to stimulate circulation and prepare for the event
  2. *After a sports event to help normalize tissues and reduce inflammation
  3. *During training to assist the athlete with training and avoiding injury
  4. *At any time to aid in rehabilitating an injury
Always check in with your massage therapist so they know your needs and expectations for the massage.

What type of massage do I need?

What type of massage do I need ?

Have you ever wondered just what to ask for when scheduling a massage therapy session?

Here are some descriptions of common massage techniques:

Swedish Massage

Swedish massage involves soft, long, kneading strokes, as well as light, rhythmic, tapping strokes, on topmost layers of muscles. This is also combined with movement of the joints and can be relaxing or energizing . Swedish massage may also help after an injury.

The four common strokes of Swedish massage are:

  • Effleurage: a smooth, gliding stroke used to relax soft tissue
  • Petrissage: the squeezing, rolling, or kneading that follows effleurage
  • Friction: deep, circular movements that cause layers of tissue to rub against each other, helping to increase blood flow and break down scar tissue
  • Tapotement: a short, alternating tap done with cupped hands, fingers, or the edge of the hand

Neuromuscular Therapy Massage

Trigger points are painful points located within taut bands of muscle, hypertonicity, and are treated primarily with the application of sustained, usually static pressure. These points can create pain locally and in a referred pattern. For example, a trigger point in the muscles of the cervical region might refer pain into the shoulder, arm or head.

Through the softening of trigger points, NMT aims to reduce chronic, referred pain, increase range of motion, and correct postural distortions.

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage is best for giving attention to certain painful, stiff “trouble spots” in your body and generally focuses on a particular region such as the back or shoulders. The massage therapist uses slow, deliberate strokes that focus pressure on layers of muscle. ligament, tendon and fascia. Though less rhythmic than Swedish massage, deep tissue massage can be quite therapeutic — relieving chronic patterns of tension and helping with muscle injuries and strains.

At Living Arts Wellness, we often use a combination of techniques (Integrative Massage), designing a specific session for your specific needs.


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