How A Couples Massage Can Improve Your Physical and Mental Health

How A Couples Massage Can Improve Your Physical and Mental Health

A couples massage is a form of touch therapy that has become increasingly popular in recent years. It involves two people receiving a massage at the same time in the same room. A couples massage is often used as a way to relax and unwind together, but it can also be a powerful tool for improving physical and mental health.

In this post, we will explore the potential benefits of couples massage and how it can improve your physical and mental health.

Reduced Stress and Anxiety

One of the primary benefits of a couples massage is its ability to reduce stress and anxiety. Stress is a common problem in today’s fast-paced world, and it can have a significant impact on our physical and mental health.

Massage therapy has been shown to lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol, while also increasing the production of feel-good hormones like serotonin and dopamine. By reducing stress, a couples massage may help to improve overall health and wellbeing.

Improved Sleep Quality

Another benefit of a couples massage is that it can help to improve sleep quality. Sleep is essential for good health, and poor sleep quality can have a significant impact on our physical and mental wellbeing.

Massage therapy has been shown to improve sleep quality in people with insomnia. By reducing stress and promoting relaxation, a couples massage may help to improve sleep quality and duration.

Pain Relief

Massage therapy has also been shown to be an effective treatment for chronic pain conditions like low back pain and arthritis. Couples massage can help alleviate pain and improve mobility by reducing tension and improving circulation.

Improved Emotional Connection

Touch therapy can be a powerful tool for improving emotional connection and bonding in a relationship. The act of touch and the release of oxytocin can help create feelings of attachment between partners.

A couples massage can be a great way to enhance emotional connection and bonding in a relationship. The shared experience of relaxation and stress relief can help couples feel closer and more connected.

Improved Immune System Function

Massage therapy has also been shown to boost the immune system. By increasing the activity of white blood cells, massage therapy may help to improve immune system function and reduce the risk of illness.

Boosted Energy Levels

Massage therapy can also help to boost energy levels. By increasing blood flow and oxygenation to the muscles, massage therapy can help to reduce fatigue and improve energy levels.

A couples massage can be a great way to boost energy levels and improve overall physical performance.

How to Get the Most Out of Your Couples Massage

To get the most out of your couples massage, it is important to choose a qualified and experienced massage therapist who follows proper safety protocols. At Living Arts Wellness, our experienced massage therapists use a variety of techniques to help you and your partner achieve deep relaxation and improve your physical and mental health.

It is also important to communicate with your massage therapist during the session. Let them know if you have any areas of pain or discomfort, and make sure to communicate your preferences for pressure and technique.


A couples massage can be a valuable addition to your self-care routine, offering potential benefits such as stress reduction, improved sleep quality, pain relief, emotional bonding, improved immune system function, and boosted energy levels.

At Living Arts Wellness, we offer couples massage treatments that are tailored to your individual needs and preferences. Our experienced massage therapists use a variety of techniques to help you and your partner achieve deep relaxation and improve your physical and mental health.

If you’re looking for a way to unwind and connect with your partner while also improving your health, then book a couples massage at Living Arts Wellness today. Our team of experts is committed to providing you with a safe, comfortable, and effective massage experience that leaves you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Colon Hydrotherapy: A Safe and Effective Treatment for Constipation and Other Digestive Disorders

Doctor examining his patient stomach in medical office

Colon hydrotherapy, also known as colonic irrigation, is a therapeutic treatment that involves the gentle introduction of warm water into the colon through the rectum. It may be a popular treatment for constipation and other digestive disorders, as it is believed to help remove built-up waste and toxins from the body. In this blog post, we’ll explore the potential benefits of colon hydrotherapy and why it may be a safe and effective treatment for constipation and other digestive disorders.

What is Colon Hydrotherapy?

Colon hydrotherapy is a therapeutic treatment that involves the gentle introduction of warm water into the colon through the rectum. The water may help to soften and remove built-up waste and toxins from the body. The treatment is usually performed by a qualified practitioner who is trained in the use of specialized equipment and techniques.

The process typically involves the use of a colon hydrotherapy instrument, which regulates the flow of warm water into the colon. The water is then allowed to flow out of the body, along with the built-up waste and toxins. The process is repeated several times during a single treatment session, which typically lasts between 30 and 60 minutes.

Potential Benefits of Colon Hydrotherapy

  1. May Relieve Constipation

One of the potential benefits of colon hydrotherapy is its ability to relieve constipation. The warm water may help to soften and remove built-up waste in the colon, which may alleviate constipation and promote regular bowel movements.

  1. May Promote Detoxification

Colon hydrotherapy is believed to be an effective treatment for removing built-up toxins from the body. By flushing out the colon with warm water, colon hydrotherapy may help to remove waste and toxins from the body, which may improve overall health and wellbeing.

  1. May Improve Digestion

Colon hydrotherapy may help to improve digestion by promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. By removing built-up waste and toxins, colon hydrotherapy may create a more favorable environment for the growth of beneficial bacteria, which may improve digestion and overall gut health.

  1. May Boost Energy Levels

By removing waste and toxins from the body, colon hydrotherapy may help to improve energy levels and reduce feelings of fatigue. Many people report feeling more energized and alert after a colon hydrotherapy session.

  1. May Reduce Bloating and Gas

Colon hydrotherapy may also help to reduce bloating and gas, which are common symptoms of digestive disorders like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). By removing built-up waste and toxins, colon hydrotherapy may reduce inflammation in the gut and alleviate bloating and gas.

Is Colon Hydrotherapy Safe?

Colon hydrotherapy may be a safe and gentle treatment when performed by a qualified practitioner. The equipment used in colon hydrotherapy is designed to regulate the flow of warm water into the colon, which may help to prevent discomfort or injury.

However, there may be some risks associated with colon hydrotherapy, particularly if the treatment is performed by an unqualified or inexperienced practitioner. These risks may include perforation of the colon, infection, and dehydration. It’s important to choose a qualified and experienced practitioner who follows strict safety protocols to ensure a safe and effective treatment. 


At Living Arts Wellness, we offer safe and effective colon hydrotherapy treatments performed by qualified and experienced practitioners. Our team follows strict safety protocols to ensure that you receive the best possible care during your treatment. If you’re looking for a potential treatment for constipation and other digestive disorders, colon hydrotherapy may be the solution you’ve been searching for. Contact Living Arts Wellness today to learn more about how colon hydrotherapy may benefit your digestive health and wellbeing.

What to Expect During a Manual Lymph Drainage Session

Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) is a gentle massage technique designed to stimulate the lymphatic system and promote lymphatic drainage. The lymphatic system is responsible for removing waste and excess fluids from the body, as well as transporting immune cells throughout the body. MLD can be a useful treatment for a range of conditions, including lymphedema, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue syndrome. If you’re considering MLD, you may be wondering what to expect during a session. Here’s a breakdown of what may happen during a typical MLD session.

Before the Session

Before your MLD session, you’ll likely have a consultation with a therapist. During this consultation, the therapist will assess your medical history and discuss your goals for the therapy. They may also perform a physical examination to identify any areas of lymphatic congestion or swelling.

During the Session

During the MLD session, you’ll lie down on a massage table, typically wearing loose-fitting clothing. The therapist will use gentle, rhythmic strokes to stimulate the lymphatic system and promote lymphatic drainage. The strokes are usually light and slow, with a gentle pressure applied to the skin.

The therapist will typically start with strokes at the base of your neck and work their way down your body, focusing on areas of lymphatic congestion or swelling. The strokes may also be performed on your face, arms, legs, and abdomen, depending on your individual needs.

As the therapist performs the strokes, you may feel a gentle stretching or pulling sensation in your skin. You may also feel a sense of relaxation as the therapy progresses.

After the Session

After your MLD session, you may feel a little lightheaded or relaxed. It’s important to drink plenty of water to help your body flush out any toxins that may have been released during the therapy. You may also be advised to avoid strenuous exercise or activities for a few hours to allow your body to adjust to the therapy.

In some cases, you may experience some mild side effects after your MLD session. These may include increased urination, mild headache, or increased thirst. However, these side effects are generally temporary and should pass quickly.

Benefits of MLD

MLD can have a range of benefits for your health and well-being. These benefits may include:

  1. Reduced swelling: MLD can help to reduce swelling in the body, particularly in areas affected by lymphedema or other conditions that cause fluid retention.
  2. Improved immune function: By stimulating the lymphatic system, MLD can help to improve immune function and reduce the risk of infection.
  3. Improved digestion: MLD can help to stimulate the digestive system and promote better digestion.
  4. Reduced stress and anxiety: MLD can help to promote relaxation and reduce stress and anxiety.
  5. Improved circulation: By promoting lymphatic drainage, MLD can help to improve circulation and reduce the risk of blood clots.
  6. Pain relief: MLD can help to reduce pain and discomfort, particularly in areas affected by fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome.

How to Find a Qualified MLD Therapist

If you’re interested in MLD, it’s important to choose a qualified therapist with experience in the technique like we do here at Living Arts Wellness. Look for a therapist who is licensed or certified in MLD and has experience working with clients with your particular condition.

You can ask for recommendations from your doctor or other healthcare professionals, as well as from friends or family members who have tried MLD.


In conclusion, MLD can be a safe and effective way to stimulate the lymphatic system and promote lymphatic drainage. During a typical MLD session, the therapist will use gentle, rhythmic strokes to stimulate the lymphatic system and promote lymphatic drainage. After the therapy, you may feel relaxed and a little lightheaded, and it’s important to drink plenty of water to help your body flush out any toxins that may have been released during the therapy. MLD can have a range of benefits for your health and well-being, including reduced swelling, improved immune function, improved digestion, reduced stress and anxiety, improved circulation, and pain relief.

If you’re interested in MLD, you can trust our qualified therapists at Living Arts Wellness to provide you with a safe and effective session. We have extensive experience in MLD and can answer any questions you may have, as well as help you determine if MLD is right for you.

Contact us today to schedule your appointment and take the first step towards a healthier, more vibrant you.

Massage for Chronic Pain Management: How it Can Help Improve Your Quality of Life

Chronic pain affects millions of people worldwide and can have a significant impact on their daily lives. The pain can be caused by various factors, including injury, illness, or even stress. While medication and physical therapy are commonly used to manage chronic pain, massage therapy may also be an effective treatment option. In this blog, we will explore how a massage may help with chronic pain management.

Massage therapy is an ancient practice that involves the manipulation of soft tissues in the body. The therapist uses their hands, fingers, elbows, and other tools to apply pressure and manipulate the muscles, tendons, and ligaments in the body. This pressure and manipulation may help to reduce tension, improve circulation, and promote relaxation, which may be particularly beneficial for those experiencing chronic pain.

One of the primary benefits of massage therapy for chronic pain management is its ability to reduce muscle tension. Chronic pain often causes muscles to tighten and become tense, leading to further discomfort and pain. Massage therapy may help to release this tension, allowing the muscles to relax and reducing the overall pain and discomfort in the affected area.

Massage therapy may also improve circulation, which is essential for healing and pain relief. When the muscles are massaged, the pressure applied to them may help to stimulate blood flow, which may help to deliver vital nutrients and oxygen to the affected area. This increased circulation may also help to flush out toxins, reducing inflammation and promoting healing.

Another benefit of massage therapy for chronic pain management is its ability to promote relaxation. Chronic pain can cause stress and anxiety, which can make the pain worse. Massage therapy may help to reduce stress and promote relaxation, which may help to improve the overall quality of life for those experiencing chronic pain.

Massage therapy may also help to improve range of motion and flexibility, which may be particularly beneficial for those experiencing chronic pain due to injury or illness. When the muscles are massaged, they become more pliable, which may help to improve range of motion and flexibility in the affected area. This may help to reduce pain and discomfort, allowing individuals to move more freely and perform daily tasks with greater ease.

In addition to its physical benefits, massage therapy may also have a positive impact on mental health. Chronic pain can be incredibly isolating, causing individuals to withdraw from social activities and feel disconnected from the world around them. Massage therapy may help to combat this by providing a safe and nurturing environment where individuals can feel cared for and supported. This may help to reduce feelings of isolation and promote a sense of connection and well-being.

Massage therapy may be particularly effective when combined with other treatments for chronic pain management. For example, it may be used in conjunction with medication or physical therapy to enhance the overall effectiveness of treatment. By addressing both the physical and emotional aspects of chronic pain, massage therapy may provide a more holistic approach to pain management.

By promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and improving overall well-being, massage therapy may help individuals to feel more connected to their bodies and to the world around them. This may help to promote a sense of empowerment and agency, allowing individuals to take a more active role in their own health and well-being.

In conclusion, massage therapy may be an effective treatment option for chronic pain management, providing a range of physical and emotional benefits. By reducing muscle tension, improving circulation, promoting relaxation, and improving range of motion and flexibility, massage therapy may help to alleviate pain and improve the overall quality of life for those experiencing chronic pain. Moreover, massage therapy may help individuals to feel more connected to their bodies and to the world around them, promoting a sense of empowerment and agency.

It is important to note that massage therapy is not a cure for chronic pain, but rather a complementary therapy that may help to manage symptoms and improve overall well-being. It is also essential to work with a trained and licensed massage therapist who has experience working with individuals experiencing chronic pain. They can provide a personalized treatment plan that is tailored to the individual’s specific needs and may be able to work in conjunction with other healthcare providers to ensure a comprehensive approach to pain management.

In addition to massage therapy, there are many other practices that individuals can incorporate into their daily lives to promote health and well-being. These may include activities such as meditation, yoga, dance, and visual arts, among others. By engaging in these practices, individuals can cultivate a sense of connection with themselves and the world around them, promoting overall wellness and a greater sense of vitality.

In conclusion, massage therapy may be a powerful tool for chronic pain management and you can utilize this by calling or scheduling an appointment with us right here at living arts wellness. By reducing muscle tension, improving circulation, promoting relaxation, and improving range of motion and flexibility, massage therapy may help to alleviate pain and improve overall well-being. If you are experiencing chronic pain, consider incorporating massage therapy into your treatment plan to see if it can help you manage your symptoms and improve your quality of life. You can schedule an appointment with us here or call us at 970.472.0995.

Myofascial Release Massage: An Effective Treatment for Muscle and Joint Pain

If you’re suffering from muscle and joint pain, you may want to consider myofascial release massage as an effective treatment option. Myofascial release massage is a therapeutic technique that works by applying gentle pressure to the muscles and fascia, which are the connective tissues that surround and support the muscles. The goal of myofascial release massage is to release tension in the muscles and fascia, which can alleviate pain and improve range of motion.

Myofascial release massage is not a new technique, and it has been used for many years. The technique was originally developed by Ida Rolf, who created myofascial release/structural integration as a way to address muscle and joint pain. While the technique has been around for quite some time, it has gained popularity in recent years, particularly among healthcare professionals such as physical therapists, massage therapists, and chiropractors. These professionals recognize the potential benefits of myofascial release massage for relieving tension in the muscles and fascia, which can alleviate pain and improve range of motion.

One of the main benefits of myofascial release massage is that it may help to relieve pain in the muscles and joints. Muscle and joint pain can be caused by a variety of factors, including injury, overuse, and poor posture. When the muscles and fascia become tight and restricted, they can put pressure on the surrounding nerves and tissues, which can lead to pain and discomfort. Myofascial release massage may help to alleviate this pain by releasing tension in the muscles and fascia, which can reduce pressure on the nerves and tissues.

Another benefit of myofascial release massage is that it may help to improve range of motion in the joints. When the muscles and fascia become tight and restricted, they can limit the movement of the joints, which can make it difficult to perform everyday activities. Myofascial release massage may help to improve range of motion by releasing tension in the muscles and fascia, which can allow the joints to move more freely.

Myofascial release massage may also be beneficial for people who suffer from chronic conditions such as fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. These conditions are characterized by widespread pain and fatigue, and can be difficult to manage with traditional treatments. Myofascial release massage may help to alleviate the symptoms of these conditions by releasing tension in the muscles and fascia, which can reduce pain and improve energy levels.

Myofascial release massage is also a non-invasive treatment option, which may be preferable for people who want to avoid more invasive treatments such as surgery or injections. It is generally considered safe, although there may be some mild discomfort during the treatment as the therapist applies pressure to the muscles and fascia.

In addition to its physical benefits, myofascial release massage may also have psychological benefits. Many people find that massage therapy is a relaxing and stress-reducing experience, and myofascial release massage is no exception. The gentle pressure applied during the massage can help to relax the muscles and calm the mind, which can lead to a sense of well-being and reduced stress.

If you’re interested in trying myofascial release massage, it’s important to find a qualified and experienced therapist. Myofascial release massage is a specialized technique that requires specific training and expertise, so it’s important to do your research and choose a therapist who is knowledgeable and skilled in this area.

During the massage, the therapist will use a variety of techniques to release tension in the muscles and fascia. These may include applying sustained pressure to specific areas of the body, stretching and manipulating the muscles and fascia, and using heat or cold therapy to reduce inflammation and promote healing.

The length and frequency of the massage sessions may vary depending on your individual needs and the severity of your pain or condition. Some people may benefit from a single session, while others may require multiple sessions over a period of time to achieve the desired results. Your therapist will work with you to develop a treatment plan that is tailored to your individual needs and goals.

It’s also important to note that myofascial release massage is just one of many treatment options for muscle and joint pain. Depending on the cause and severity of your pain, you may need to explore other treatments such as physical therapy, medication, or surgery.

In addition to seeking professional treatment, there are also steps you can take at home to manage muscle and joint pain. These may include gentle stretching exercises, practicing good posture, and taking breaks throughout the day to rest and stretch your muscles.

If you’re experiencing muscle and joint pain, it’s important to seek professional treatment. Myofascial release massage may be an effective option for you, and our team at Living Arts Wellness can help. Our qualified therapists are trained in this specialized technique and can develop a treatment plan that is tailored to your individual needs and goals. In addition to myofascial release massage, we offer a variety of other holistic treatments to help you achieve optimal health and wellness. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and start your journey towards pain-free living.

Prenatal Massage Benefits for Expecting Mothers

Pregnancy is an incredible journey that may also be uncomfortable. As the baby grows, decreased energy, shifts in posture, and changes in body shape can result in discomfort and challenges with movement. Prenatal massage is a safe, effective way to alleviate aches and pains and improve the pregnancy experience for expecting mothers. Fortunately, prenatal massage is a safe, effective, and relaxing way to alleviate these symptoms and improve the overall pregnancy experience for expecting mothers.

Prenatal massage is a specialized form of massage therapy that is tailored to the specific needs of pregnant women. The massage therapist uses gentle, soothing techniques that help to alleviate the physical and emotional stresses of pregnancy, while also providing much-needed relief for the aches, pains, and discomforts that come with it.

One of the primary benefits of prenatal massage is that it may help to reduce stress and anxiety in expecting mothers. Pregnancy can be a stressful time, as there are many changes taking place in the body, and many unknowns about the future. Massage therapy has been shown to be an effective way to reduce stress and anxiety in pregnant women, helping them to feel more relaxed and at ease during this transformative time.

Another benefit of prenatal massage is that it may help to reduce the physical symptoms of pregnancy, such as back pain, joint pain, and muscle tension. As the baby grows inside the mother’s body, it can put pressure on the muscles, bones, and joints, causing discomfort and pain. Prenatal massage may help to relieve these symptoms by loosening tight muscles, increasing blood flow, and reducing inflammation. This can help to improve mobility and flexibility, making it easier for the mother to move around and perform daily activities.

In addition to reducing physical symptoms, prenatal massage may also help to improve the overall health of the mother and the baby. Massage therapy has been shown to increase circulation, which can help to deliver more oxygen and nutrients to the baby, promoting healthy growth and development. Massage therapy may also help to regulate hormones, which can lead to a better mood and overall sense of well-being for the mother.

Prenatal massage may also be beneficial for women who are experiencing difficulty sleeping during pregnancy. Many pregnant women struggle with insomnia, as the physical discomforts and emotional stresses of pregnancy can make it difficult to relax and fall asleep. Massage therapy has been shown to be an effective way to improve sleep quality in pregnant women, helping them to get the rest they need to stay healthy and energized.

When it comes to choosing a massage therapist for prenatal massage, it is important to find someone who is experienced and trained in this specialized form of massage therapy. Prenatal massage requires a unique set of skills and techniques, as the massage therapist must be able to work safely and effectively with pregnant women, taking into account their specific needs and limitations.

Before receiving a prenatal massage, it is important to consult with a healthcare provider to ensure that it is safe and appropriate for you and your baby. In general, prenatal massage is safe for most women throughout pregnancy, but there are certain conditions that may require special consideration or precautions. Your massage therapist should also be aware of any medical conditions or concerns that you may have, and should tailor the massage accordingly.

In conclusion, if you are an expecting mother and looking for a way to improve your pregnancy experience, prenatal massage can be a safe and effective option. At Living Arts Wellness, our trained and experienced massage therapists offer specialized prenatal massage services tailored to your unique needs and limitations. We take into account any medical conditions or concerns that you may have, ensuring a safe and relaxing massage experience. By adding prenatal massage to your self-care routine, you can enjoy a healthier, more comfortable pregnancy, and prepare for the arrival of your new little one with confidence and ease.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment and experience the benefits of prenatal massage for yourself.

Benefits of the Ozone Sauna

ozone sauna
ozone sauna

Ozone sauna therapy is a form of wellness treatment that involves exposing the body to ozone gas in a sauna-like environment. Ozone sauna has gained popularity in recent years as a way to detoxify the body, promote relaxation, and boost overall wellness.
Here are five benefits of ozone sauna therapy that are purely factual:

1. Enhanced Detoxification

Ozone sauna therapy is believed to enhance the body’s natural detoxification process. The ozone gas, which is a molecule made up of three oxygen atoms, is thought to stimulate the liver to produce more enzymes that help the body eliminate toxins. It is also believed that the ozone gas can break down toxic substances in the body, making it easier for the body to eliminate them.

Ozone sauna therapy may also improve lymphatic circulation, which is responsible for removing waste and toxins from the body. Improved lymphatic circulation may help to reduce inflammation and improve immune function, leading to overall better health.

2.Improved Skin Health

Ozone sauna therapy is also believed to improve skin health. Ozone gas has antimicrobial properties, which means it can kill harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi on the skin. This can be particularly beneficial for people who suffer from skin conditions like acne or eczema, which are often caused by bacterial or fungal overgrowth.

Ozone sauna therapy is also thought to stimulate collagen production in the skin. Collagen is a protein that gives skin its elasticity and firmness. As we age, collagen production naturally decreases, leading to wrinkles and sagging skin. Ozone sauna therapy may help to slow down this process and improve the overall appearance of the skin.

3.Increased Energy

Ozone sauna therapy is believed to increase energy levels by improving oxygenation of the body’s tissues. When ozone gas is introduced into the body, it reacts with blood and increases the amount of oxygen that is delivered to the body’s cells. This increased oxygenation can lead to increased energy levels, improved mental clarity, and a reduction in fatigue.

Ozone sauna therapy is also thought to stimulate the production of ATP, which is a molecule that provides energy to cells. Increased ATP production can further enhance energy levels and overall vitality.

4.Stress Relief

Ozone sauna therapy is often used as a way to promote relaxation and reduce stress. The sauna-like environment and warm temperature can help to relax muscles and reduce tension in the body. The ozone gas may also stimulate the release of endorphins, which are the body’s natural feel-good chemicals.

In addition, ozone sauna therapy is thought to reduce inflammation in the body, which can contribute to stress and anxiety. By reducing inflammation, ozone sauna therapy may help to promote a sense of calm and reduce stress levels.

5.Improved Immune Function

Ozone sauna therapy may also improve immune function. Ozone gas has been shown to stimulate the production of white blood cells, which are responsible for fighting off infections and diseases. This increased production of white blood cells may help to strengthen the immune system and reduce the risk of illness.

In addition, ozone sauna therapy is believed to improve circulation, which can enhance the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the body’s cells. Improved circulation can also help to remove waste and toxins from the body, leading to overall better health and a stronger immune system.


Ozone sauna therapy is a form of wellness treatment that has gained popularity in recent years. While more research is needed to fully understand the benefits of ozone sauna therapy, many people have reported improvements in detoxification, skin health, energy levels, stress relief, and immune function. If you are interested in trying ozone sauna therapy, be sure to consult with a healthcare professional first to ensure it is safe for you.

The Benefits of Hydrogen Inhalation Therapy

does hydrogen inhalation work?

Hydrogen has emerged as a safe treatment with several benefits.

Medical gases can exert biological effects that are currently accepted in experimental settings in both preventive and therapeutic interventions.

Carbon monoxide (CO), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), and nitric oxide (NO) play important roles as signaling molecules at lower levels; however, they are highly toxic molecules at higher concentrations.

In contrast, hydrogen therapy can be advantageous for one’s overall health and well-being.

History of Hydrogen Therapy

For a long time, H2 was considered as a nonfunctional and inert gas at body temperature in mammalian cells. In fact, in the absence of catalysts, H2 reacts with no biological compounds, such as the oxygen molecule, at body temperature.

While some bacteria have hydrogenase enzymes (enzymes that catalyze the conversion of molecular hydrogen to protons and electrons) that can metabolize excess H2, mammals lack such enzymes. As a result, hydrogen therapy is not thought to have any functionality in our cells.

Recent studies, however, have shown that this hydrogen may have more benefits than previously thought.

For example, most lifestyle-related diseases have been linked to persistent oxidative stress.

Hydrogen gas has shown that it can serve as an antioxidant and as a therapeutic antioxidant in a number of diseases and that it serves as an odorless, nontoxic gas.

does hydrogen inhalation work?

How hydrogen therapy works

More than 38 different diseases, physiological states and clinical tests have been published in leading medical/biological journals since the publication of the first H2 paper in 2007, and several groups conducted clinical examinations.

Additionally, H2 shows anti-oxidative effects along with various anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties.

Hydrogen regulates various gene expressions and protein-phosphorylations, though the molecular mechanisms underlying the marked effects of very small amounts of hydrogen remain elusive.

There are a variety of methods available to administer hydrogen, the most common being dissolving molecular hydrogen tablets in water.

Water acts as a hydrogen carrier, and when ingested, an increase in H2 concentration is shown within five to fifteen minutes.

Due to its small size, molecular hydrogen can easily penetrate and diffuse through the cell membrane.

The initial peak or spike of hydrogen, with its activating effects on the cells, may last only an hour, but the protective effects of hydrogen continue for an extended time. Other methods of hydrogen are available, depending on the intent and duration of administration.

Methods of increasing hydrogen in the body include:

  • Drinking hydrogen dissolved in water
  • Inhalation of hydrogen at low concentrations (1-4%)
  • Bathing in hydrogen water
  • Hyperbaric hydrogen chambers
  • Intravenous injection of hydrogen-rich saline
  • Increasing hydrogen production by intestinal bacteria. Turmeric, for example, has been shown to increase hydrogen production by intestinal bacteria.

Clinical trials show hydrogen therapy is safe and effective

The following study conducted by Shigeo Ohta showed signs that proper use of hydrogen therapy was effective in clinical trials. Ohta noted that:

“The gas consumption results in improved oxygen saturation in a comparison between 25 patients with acute cerebral infarction and 25 blinded control subjects. Relative signal intensity of magnetic resonance imaging was greatly improved in the infarction site following H2 gas therapy.”

These scores were significantly improved by H2 inhalation in comparison with the control group.

These results suggested a potential for widespread and general application of H2 gas.

are there any benefits to hydrogen infused water?

What are the benefits of hydrogen inhalation therapy?

According to Quicksilver Scientific:

“The importance of hydrogen can be understood by considering its influence on how the body detoxifies, improves brain health, promotes healthy aging and longevity, impacts post-exercise recovery, and mimics exercise.”

Today, research has shown the benefits of molecular hydrogen being wide-spread, acting as a powerful antioxidant, supporting cognitive health and athletic performance, promoting healthy metabolism, and helping in the activation of the body’s natural detoxification system.

It appears hydrogen is more likely to have multi-faceted benefits than a unidirectional effect like some conventional methods.

Hydrogen is important in supporting healthy inflammatory mediators, including NF-kB, a transcription factor family that controls cell death and growth.

Studies show the activation of this signaling pathway (duration, speed and time of activation also playing a part) can positively benefit the system.

A closer look at clinical studies shows that molecular hydrogen mediates the same beneficial metabolic pathways that are activated through healthy and consistent exercise, helping us further understand hydrogen as an “exercise mimetic”.

What does this mean for you? Essentially, hydrogen mimics the biological effects of exercise.

In addition to mimicking the effects of exercise, hydrogen has been found to promote recovery.

Hydrogen and Brain Health

The benefits of hydrogen have also been found to impact our brain and cognitive health. The use of hydrogen (through a saline solution) has shown to support a healthy memory in an animal study looking at memory and motor function after an injection of hydrogen.

Hydrogen therapy induced the activation of autophagy pathways in animals. Hydrogen has been found to protect mitochondrial function.

Autophagy, the natural and automated cleaning process for proper cell and tissue health, has been shown to be activated with molecular hydrogen as well.

In the brain, do the benefits of hydrogen go beyond its neuroprotective effects? Interestingly, hydrogen’s benefits highlight the role it has in supporting homeostasis in the body.

Two studies of interest showed the therapeutic effects of hydrogen therapy on the HPA axis.

A double-blind, placebo-controlled study, which included hydrogen for 4 weeks; participants felt a decrease in feelings of nervousness and an increase in mood.

Secondly, an animal study showed hydrogen supporting the HPA axis during mild stress and most notable, the effects were long-lasting as resilience to stress increased beyond the time of administration.

As a single intervention, molecular hydrogen was shown to support normal digestive function after episodes of nervousness.

The protective effects of hydrogen (which is neutrally charged) may be attributed to its unique ability to diffuse across membranes, directly into cells and organelles.

can hydrogen inhalation help with athsma?

Hydrogen Therapy and Asthma

People suffering from asthma may find that hydrogen therapy provides relief using a natural approach, rather than pharmaceuticals.

A clinical study conducted by BioMed Central showed promising results. They noted that

“Hydrogen gas inhalation improves lung function and protects established airway inflammation in the allergic asthmatic mice model which may be associated with the inhibition of oxidative stress process. This study provides a potential alternative therapeutic opportunity for the clinical management of asthma.”

Read the full article here:

Oxidative stress was considered an important mechanism in the pathogenesis of asthma.

It’s important to note that there is no cure for asthma, and it remains a worldwide common chronic airway disease.


 As you can see, there are many benefits to hydrogen therapy. Whether you’re looking for a natural treatment for respiratory problems or interested in just improving your overall wellness, this may be an alternative worth considering.

For more information about hydrogen wellness treatments in the Fort Collins area, contact Living Arts Wellness today.

Pain Relief with Traditional Massage

colorado massage therapy

Massage can be a helpful add-on to conventional medical care for back pain. It can reduce discomfort and get you back on your feet faster.

In the United States massage is an accepted alternative medicine used for many forms of back pain.

Because massage therapy does not rely on pharmaceuticals, it has become a popular choice to alleviate chronic back pain naturally. Massage therapy can also provide a long-term benefit in the form of prevention or reduction of pain.

While massage could be done by nearly anyone, it’s important to seek out the professional experience of a licensed massage therapist.

When massage is done correctly it can help ease suffering; however, when it is done incorrectly, the pain may get worse.

It’s important to understand which methods have no effect, some mild benefits, and some very severe ones.

A Brief History of Massage Therapy

The history of massage therapy can be traced back thousands of years. Historical references of massage can be found in manuscripts from ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt, Asia, and Middle East.

During the Renaissance, massage became widespread in Europe. In the 1850s, two American physicians who studied in Sweden introduced massage therapy to the United States, making it popular for several health reasons.

During the 1930s and 1940s, medical advancements led to a decline in massage as a treatment in the United States.

Since the 1970s, massage has regained popularity, particularly among athletes.

The Benefits of Massage Therapy Done Correctly

There are many benefits to traditional massage.

For example, massage therapy may provide release from emotional stress, tension, tension on the skin. It provides a release that can help to ease stress.

Massage can alleviate the signs of aging. Additionally, massage is also good for your circulatory system, as it helps the circulation of blood.

It provides relaxation and sleep. When done correctly, it is therapeutic and can ease pain.

Needless to say, massage is a useful and reliable treatment.

Pain Relief Through Massage Therapy

Massage is used to relieve pain, rehab sports injuries, reduce stress, improve relaxation, reduce anxiety and depression, and support general wellness.

Traditional massage may also help prevent muscle spasms and other forms of back pain. Massage can provide relief from stress or exercise.

Therapeutic massage can be used as a collaborative, supportive addition to conventional medical treatment of illness and injury, alleviating pain and stress, aiding soft tissue healing, and revitalizing the body.

massage in fort collins

Massage Therapy and Treating Depression

One study found clearly better results for people with major depressive disorder receiving Swedish massage.

Massage therapy offers relief and relaxation in the form of healing that medical treatments alone cannot provide.

Massage therapy has shown great promise in alleviating depression and Seasonal Affective Disorder, and people are becoming more aware of the benefits of a combination of treatment options.

Many people also use massage therapy as an effective treatment for migraines and headaches.

Massage Therapy as an Integrative Solution

Massage therapy is often included in integrative medicine approaches. This makes massage a versatile component to approaching wellness in a more wholistic manner.

Over the years, physicians have become more receptive to recommending massage therapy, including to the muscles of the lower leg, as part of treatment for plantar fasciitis.

For example, instead of a whole-body treatment though, a therapeutic massage session tends to focus on your targeted area of concern — for an extended period of time.

Because of this versatility, you may also talk about what you expect to achieve from the massage session and any goals you have for your massage therapy treatments.

Massage therapists may recommend to clients personalized treatment plans, such as details on how to relax beyond sessions. Some techniques may include stretches, breathing exercise, or lifestyle suggestions into the treatment plan.

Often, learning more about the various types of massage therapy options available can determine the best treatment options.


If you’re interested in discovering how routine massage therapy can help you, we encourage you to contact us and schedule an appointment with one of our certified massage therapists.

Reasons to Consider Colon Hydrotherapy

benefits of colon hydrotherapy

If you’re reading this post, you’re probably interested in the benefits of colon hydrotherapy and colonics. 

There are some questions we get asked frequently by those considering hydrotherapy to remove toxins.

Simply stated, colonics are a quick way to change your state of being.

Our hope is to help you understand the benefits of this unique approach to health. We will help you make better health choices by providing simple, actionable steps.

Remember, the absence of symptoms does not equal good colon health; it requires total wellness.

Why Get a Colonic?

Most people are driven to have their first colonic by digestive problems- constipation, bloating, gas, and pain, among other symptoms.

Cleansing the colon with hydrotherapy may help to reduce the toxic burden in your body. This is done by removing toxins from the body through gentle irrigation with large quantities of water.

While irrigating your colon doesn’t sound pleasant, practitioners claim it can provide numerous health benefits.

People who suffer from severe constipation or who are resistant to laxatives find nearly instant relief from hydrotherapy treatment. 

However, constipation isn’t the only reason you might want to consider colon hydrotherapy. One of these reasons is improving digestion and weight loss.

What is a colon cleanse?

Colon cleansing, also known as colonic irrigation or colonic hydrotherapy, involves flushing the colon with water to remove waste.

It’s a practice that’s been around since ancient times, and the benefits are based on the premise that digestive waste can be a toxin to the body.

Generally, a professional called a colonic hydrotherapist performs the colon cleanse while you rest on a massage table.

It involves sending water through a tube into the rectum. Toxins are then expelled through a different tube, and the process is repeated.

fort collins hydrotherapy treatment

What Are the Benefits of Hydrotherapy?

Practitioners of colon cleansing say you can reap numerous benefits by removing the toxins from your digestive system.

According to some colonics practitioners, it can lead to weight loss, better digestion, increased energy, and clearer thinking.

A study published in 2016 indicates there is a strong correlation between colon hydrotherapy and the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome. (read full article here: 

Colon Hydrotherapy Should Only Be Done By A Professional

It’s important to understand that doing a colon cleanse doesn’t come without risks. Like most wellness options, it should be approached carefully and with sufficient knowledge of the potential risks.

Colon hydrotherapy is a procedure that should be done only be a licensed professional. If done improperly, colon cleansing can lead to damage to the colon.

Another risk when conducting certain colon cleanses are upsetting the balance of electrolytes in the body. Electrolytes, like potassium and sodium, carry electrical signals across cells, and an imbalance can lead to a loss of consciousness as well as kidney damage.

Most Frequent Questions and Answers To Colon Hydrotherapy

Your first session is bound to be a bit nerve-racking for you and we understand that! 

Our primary goal is to make you comfortable and to make you feel safe. These hydrotherapy resources may be useful in understanding how to prepare for your first hydrotherapy session.

Before beginning treatment, you will change into a loose gown and get comfortable. Then you will lie on your side and back for the insertion of a Speculum. 

When the water reaches a comfortable temperature, it’s slowly and gently started to flow into your colon. By facilitating the fills and releases, the colonic therapist is allowing the digestive system to release the accumulated waste matter. 

Further assistance with the release of toxic waste will be provided by the application of acupressure points and abdominal massage. 

Once the colon has emptied out as much as possible, the water will be turned off and speculum gently removed. 

Afterwards, you can use the restroom. This may be necessary to allow any additional elimination to occur. 

When you are finished changing, we recommend replenishing your probiotics.

What Should I Wear?

Dress for comfort. We recommend wearing clothing that is loose-fitting clothing and comfortable. Additionally, we will need this clothing to be easily removed from the waist down.

Can I go to work or do activities after my colonic?

Absolutely. All of your release should take place at the clinic. Occasionally, clients find they may need to use the restroom at our facility after a colonic treatment. This is particularly the case if, during the treatment, your colon didn’t release everything.

In order to experience the full effects of the hydrotherapy treatment, it’s a good idea to continue flushing your system after the treatment by consuming plenty of liquids.

If you’re experiencing your first colonic, we recommend scheduling the treatment at a time when you are not rushed. This may help aid you in feeling more relaxed and less stressed. This will ultimately help the treatment and assist in a larger release of toxins.


We understand that you may still have a number of questions about colon hydrotherapy. At Living Arts Wellness, we want you to understand the benefits of this treatment option and are happy to discuss if it’s right for you. 

Feel free to reach out at (970) 472-0995 or scheduling an appointment.

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