The Rejuvenating Effect of Juice Fasting

The Rejuvenating Effect of Juice Fasting

Fasting has been used throughout history for the purpose of healing disease and for rejuvenation and revitalization. Many fast regularly, not to cure any particular disease, but because it is an effective way to cleanse the body of accumulated wastes, boost the immune system, and rejuvenate all organs. 

Fasting will not leave you depleted or weakened. The opposite is true for juice fasting. After a fast, you should feel stronger and energized; any health conditions you have should be noticeably improved and mental capacity increased. Many notice that they look and feel younger after a fast.
The proven benefits of intermittent fasting include:
1. Normalizing you insulin activity
2. Lowering triglyceride levels
3. Improving biomarkers of disease
4. Reducing inflammation and lowering free radical damage
5. Preserving and enhancing memory function and learning

Juice fasting can help you to harness the natural healing power in your body by eliminating toxins and cellular debris. It also retrains your taste buds and helps to eliminate cravings for processed foods. 

Are you interested in cleansing, taking that first step toward a healthier lifestyle, or beginning to rid yourself of a psychological addiction to food? A juice cleanse is a great way to jumpstart a lifestyle change! 

We offer a 3-day juice fast / cleanse at Living Arts Wellness in conjunction with Wunderjuice (

Call 970.472.0995 to reserve your juice fast/cleanse package… limited to 15 participants and begins 5/13/14

Option 1: 6-12 oz Juices, Cleansing Water, and 2 Colonics= $315

#1: Colon- 8 oz Apple Juice 
#2: Colon- PH balanced & Alkalized h2o infused with phytonutrients & minerals 
#3: Liver- Dandelion, Cucumber, Lemon & Ginger  
#4: Blood- Beet, Cucumber, Celery & Lemon 
#5: Immune- Romaine, Mint, Lemon, Ginger, Cucumber
#6: (Anti) Inflame- Turmeric, Spinach, Watercress, Cucumber, Lemon 

Option 2: 7-12 oz Juices & Cleansing Water, and 2 Colonics = $325

#1: Detox- Sweet Veg Juice (kale, cucumber, romaine, lemon, ginger, apple & pear)
#2: Colon- PH balanced & Alkalized h2o infused with phytonutrients & minerals 
#3: Liver- Dandelion, Cucumber, Lemon & Ginger  
#4: Blood- Beet, Cucumber, Celery & Lemon 
#5: Immune- Romaine, Mint, Lemon, Ginger, Cucumber
#6: (Anti) Inflame- Turmeric, Spinach, Watercress, Cucumber, Lemon 
#7: Dinner-Veggie Juice (kale, cucumber, romaine, lemon, ginger & carrot) 

Delivery: We would love to deliver to your home or office for a $5 daily fee or you may pick up at Living Arts Wellness each day.

Cleanse Schedule:
3 days priorcolonic session at Living Arts Wellness, drink at least 64 ounces of water, and eliminate processed foods

During the cleanse… start your day with 16 ounces of lemon water, drink 6 juices per day at 2 hour intervals, and eat raw veggies if you must eat, and receive your second colonic session

After… we will provide a list of suggested foods for the 3 days post-cleanse

This may be your chance to:

1. Take control of your health
2. Begin to eliminate food addictions
3. Detoxify your mind and body
4. Eliminate disease

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