Energy Soup – Nourishment in the Living Foods Lifestyle

Energy Soup – Nourishment in the Living Foods Lifestyle

Energy soup could be your first step to healing. The Ann Wigmore Institute serves it every day at every meal!


6 cups of greens (lettuce, kale, collard greens, etc)

1 zucchine or yellow squash

1 avocado

1 cucumber

1 green apple

2 cups fresh sprouts (sunflower, buckwheat, mung bean)

2 tablespoons dulse flakes (or other sea vegetables)

2 cups rejuvelac or water

Sea salt or coconut aminos to taste


Place all ingredients in the blender and pulse gently blended. Sprinkle with cultured veggies, sprouted seeds, dulse, and additional sunflower greens.


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