What is Medical Ozone?

What is Medical Ozone?

Ozone is simply an energized form of oxygen. It is created when electric or ultraviolet energy causes oxygen atoms to temporarily recombine in groups of three. The result is an unstable, highly reactive molecule that is quick to oxidize with other substances, such as bacteria or viruses.3

Ozone was first used commercially to purify water in Europe over one hundred years ago. It is still being used today in over two thousand cities around the world, including Paris, Montreal, Moscow and Los Angeles.4 Oxygen and Ozone are bubbled through the water, killing bacteria and viruses, reducing odor and taste, and leaving the water purified and safe to drink. This process is analagous to treatment of human blood.

Ozone is typically used in medical treatment through one of two ways. The first is through rectal insufflation, in which the ozone is absorbed into the body through the major arteries in the colon. The second is through autohemotherapy. In this treatment, blood is drawn from the patient and has ozone bubbled through it. Within a few minutes the blood is returned to the patient. In both treatments, ozone is pulled directly into the blood and spreads quickly throughout the entire body.”

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