Lauren Morris

Licensed Massage Therapist

Lauren Morris

Licensed Massage Therapist

Lauren received her Certificate of Massage from the Milan Institute in Reno, NV and has since spent most of her career in Portland, OR, where she owned her own business and developed a strong foundation for integrative bodywork. In addition to deep tissue, myofascial, and relaxation massage, she is certified in silicone cupping, gua sha and a barefoot modality called Sarga Bodywork and uses her skillset interchangeably to best integrate needs for each client.She has a passion for health and fitness, as it has been integral to her own journey of living a life without chronic pain. She loves helping people with neck and low back pain and wants to provide support to help the body in its healing process. Sarga bodywork is a barefoot massage method that delivers therapeutic myofascial and deep tissue techniques. These methods, applied with the broad surfaces of the feet facilitate less restriction, more relaxation, and tension relief in recipients’ bodies. The slow movement is very grounding and the recipient will feel a huge sense of rejuvenation after a Sarga bodywork session.

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*Note: As Living As Wellness expands, Celeste’s booking calendar is separate from the other therapists and she sees clients at the Midtown location.

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