Is Vitamin B-12 Deficiency Damaging Your Brain?

Is Vitamin B-12 Deficiency Damaging Your Brain?

Vitamin B-12 (Cobalamin) Deficiency is Serious

Are you becoming forgetful, having more sleepless nights, experiencing numbness or tingling in your arms or legs,or just plain feeling tired? You may be suffering from vitamin B-12 deficiency. Catching a vitamin B-12 deficiency early is important. Severe deficiencies can lead to very destructive disease processes.

You May be More Prone to This Deficiency if you are:

  • over 50 years old
  • vegan or vegetarian
  • experience digestive issues or have low stomach acid
  • drink alcohol
  • are anemic

A lack of cobalamin is associated with a wide range of diseases including anemia, gastritis, neuropathy (numbness or tingling in the extremities), fatigue, depression, kidney disease, memory loss, tinnitus, migraine, macular degeneration, asthma, shingles, multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer’s disease.

Foods That Are High in Cobalamin

  1. Salmon
  2. Tuna
  3. Cod
  4. Shellfish
  5. Beef
  6. Yogurt
  7. Milk
  8. Eggs
meat, eggs, fish, cheese
Cobalamin Rich Foods

Vitamin B-12 is synthesized by bacteria that are abundant in the soil. Cows eat grass and pull up clumps that have dirt attached. The organisms in the dirt that produce B-12 get absorbed into the bloodstream of the animals and go to their muscles. As you can see, if you are vegan or vegetarian, it is necessary to take supplemental B-12. The good news is that this vitamin is relatively inexpensive and easy to obtain. And, if you ate meat and eggs before becoming vegan, your body may have created a great store of B-12. Often, deficiencies don’t show up for years after making a lifestyle shift to vegetarian or vegan.

Sologuard Vegetarain B-12 can be obtained at most good natural food stores.

Massage Types: Don’t Know What to Ask For?

Don’t know what massage type to ask for when booking your appointment?

Massage types that you will commonly see:

  • deep tissue
  • Swedish
  • neuromuscular therapy
  • structural integration
  • myofascial release
  • sports
  • integrative

Sports Massage

If you are an athlete, runner, or just like to participate in sports, you may want to consider a deep tissue or sports massage. Deep tissue works with specific muscle groups to release chronic tension and often pain. Sports massage is used to assess issues, aiding in rehabilitation and better performance. Sports therapy can include a variety of modalities that are valuable to the recovery, repair and healing processes.

Structural Integration

Are you having trouble moving with ease or feeling out of balance? Structural integration works with the fascia (connective tissue) that surrounds muscle, organs, and nerves. This connective tissue can become bound up and less elastic over time. As it becomes shorter and more dense, it can cause posture and movement issues. This can result in discomfort and fatigue. As you go through a series of structural integration sessions, you will notice feeling more in alignment with gravity and ease of movement.



Are you struggling with tension and looking for some relaxation? Swedish is a combination of long and kneading strokes designed to relieve muscle tension and promote deep relaxation. It also increases circulation and may help after an injury.

Neuromuscular Therapy

Do you have a repetitive movement injury? Are you having issues with circulation, nerve compression, or posture? Neuromuscular therapy is used to treat chronic pain that involves both the muscular and nervous systems. Another name for this is trigger point therapy. This type of body work is often combined with other modalities to treat the underlying causes of pain.

Integrative Massage

This type of work involves the application of several specific techniques that target the specific needs of the client. The session is designed for the client and the best therapeutic results. Often the massage professional will use Swedish techniques to alleviate stress, deep tissue to address areas of tension, structural integration to create better alignment, and neuromuscular therapy to treat trigger points. If you want an appointment designed to meet a variety of needs, ask for integrative therapy.

These are some of the more frequently used techniques. There are also mind-body techniques that can help to ease pain and depression. These include Reiki, EFT, Healing Touch, meditation, and biofeedback… to name a few. When booking an appointment it’s always a good idea to call your massage therapist or local center to discuss therapy options.

Colonoscopy… Alternative Screening Options

Avoiding a Colonoscopy?

How many of you would like to avoid having a colonoscopy? Colorectal cancer is the second leading form of cancer in the United States. It is diagnosed in 130,000 people each year in the United States alone. Current research links obesity with increased risk of colorectal cancer. These findings suggest that a high calorie diet turns of a key hormone that is secreted in the intestines, which deactivates tumor suppression. Lifestyle is extremely important in maintaining gut health! Doctors also recommend regular screening for colorectal cancer prevention.

Concerns about the procedure

Colonics are an effective procedure for helping to prepare for a colonoscopy and can be much more comfortable than the prescriptions used to evacuate the intestines. Many of our clients have expressed concern about the colonoscopy procedure. Did you know that:

  • Doctor’s often require a bowel preparation (as much as 3 days)
  • The procedure requires sedation
  • The risks from sedation and passage of the six foot long tube into your colon are considerable
  • The bowel is perforated in 1 out of every 1000 procedures
  • Unclean practices can result in the introduction of pathogens into your body
  • The procedure costs up to $3000 each

Alternatives to colonoscopy

Fortunately, there are some great alternatives for screening. First is the sigmoidoscopy. The scope is only two feet in length with two bends. The procedure takes only 10 minutes and costs only around $200.

A client informed me of another option, which is an easy to use stool DNA test that can be done at home! You simply collect a stool sample which is mailed to a lab for diagnosis. The lab looks for DNA markers that indicate the presence of collateral cancer. There is no special preparation, no diet changes, and no time off work or play! Cologuard is available by prescription only, so you will have to see your doctor in order to get the kit.


Colonoscopy - Digestive system image

Lifestyle Changes: Top 5 to Create Health

5 Lifestyle Changes To Create Health

  • Eat more fresh or frozen vegetables, fruits, herbs, and spices. Drink only water and teas.
  • Eliminate or reduce processed foods, refined sugars, fast foods, and sodas. This matches up with reducing high-glycemic index foods, high fructose corn syrup and trans fats.
  • Eliminate or reduce pasteurized dairy products.
  • Reduce or eliminate conventional meats, especially pork and red meat. Organic grass-fed meats and wild fish are good in moderation.
  • Eliminate or reduce highly genetically modified foods: wheat, soy, corn, and peanuts.

Making Changes That Last

Most of us allow food to take over out lives, and we end up “living to eat”. Probably the most difficult part of lifestyle changes is learning to “eat to live”.  Once you are able to give up the processed and refined foods, dairy products, and sugar, you will be well on your way to a true lifestyle change. The first 3 weeks are often the most difficult. After this, the cravings will start to fall away.

The Living Foods Lifestyle

Living Foods are raw, vegan and in their original, uncooked state. This lifestyle promotes cleansing and overall wellness because it is easy to digest and nutrient dense. It was developed by Dr. Ann Wigmore to combat deficiency and toxic buildup in our bodies. The Ann Wigmore Institute in Aguada, Puerto Rico was my home and workplace for a year. Many of the people that came to learn the lifestyle were suffering from dis-ease and eating disorders. This lifestyle is powerful… it is miraculous what happens when the body is given the proper nutrition and allowed to eliminate toxic build up!

Sign up for our Living Foods Lifestyle classes and learn to grow young greens and sprouts, dehydrate and ferment foods, make “energy soup”, grow wheatgrass, and EAT TO LIVE!

Lifestyle Changes and Wellness
Eat Your Greens!

Avoid Sugar Altogether

Ninety five percent of sugar beets grown in the U.S. are genetically modified and doused with glyphosate (Roundup) and other pesticides. There is a very strong correlation between exposure to glyphosate formulations and the risk of various cancers, including non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. The World Health Organization has also published a summary on glyphosate and has classified it as “probably carcinogenic in humans”… some good reasons to avoid sugar altogether!


Potassium Broth for Leg Cramps

Potassium Broth Recipe… loaded with minerals for rejuvenation and elimination of leg cramps

4 organic potatoes
3 organic carrots, chopped
4 organic celery stalks, chopped
1 bunch organic parsley
4 quarts filtered water

Peel potatoes and place the peelings, carrots, and celery in a large pot with the filtered water. Bring to a boil and reduce heat… simmer for 30 minutes. Add parsley and simmer for 5 more minutes.

Cool and strain the finished potassium broth into glass containers in the refrigerator, reheating small amounts as needed.


Restore Postural Balance With Structural Integration

structural integration

Structural integration is a type of bodywork that focuses on realigning and integrating the body in gravity. Fascia (connective tissue) surrounds muscles, organs, blood vessels and nerves. When it becomes bound up, movement is restricted.

During a structural integration session, the fascia is lengthened and softened in order to restore postural balance and ease of movement. Clients often report feeling more at home in their body after a session. Structural integration is based on the work of Dr. Ida Rolf and can be a series of treatments or part of an integrative massage/bodywork session.

Some of the benefits of structural integration include:

  • Ease of movement
  • Better body alignment
  • Fluidity
  • Grace
  • Energy
  • Alertness
  • Relaxation
  • Less anxiety
  • Improved sleep
  • And so much more!

Bone Broth… Eating Like Our Ancestors

Bone broth, the preferred drink of our ancestors and trendy beverage now found across America, has many benefits:

Heals and seals your gut helping to eliminate and prevent leaky gut.

Protects your joints with glucosamine.

Helps you to look younger with renewed skin, hair and nails.

Promotes better sleep.

Provides immune support because of the high concentration of minerals.

Helps build your bones with high levels of phosphorus, magnesium and calcium.

What exactly is bone broth? How is it different from stock? Well, bone broth is made from mainly bones with a little meat or vegetables, and stock is made from meat and vegetables with, perhaps, a small bone. Go to your local meat market or grocer and ask for grass fed beef or bison bones. Place your bones in a large pot, and cover in filtered water. Add some vinegar, wine, or a bit of tomato paste to extract nutrients from the bones and help them to dissolve. Cook over low heat for 48-72 hours. You may need to watch the pot and add water if it boils down too much. And, note that you can also use chicken or turkey bones. The bones will become soft and begin to break down. Now, you have broth…enjoy your hearty, healing drink!


Oxygenate to Maintain Youth!

A primary reason for aging is the failure of systems in your body that are responsible for your uptake and utilization of oxygen. What happens when our cells don’t get enough oxygen? We age more quickly and become weak!


Exercising while breathing supplemental oxygen, also known as “exercise with oxygen therapy (EWOT)”, dramatically increases the amount of O2 in your plasma. After only 15 minutes of this type of exercise, your skin becomes pink because capillaries are carrying oxygen to the skin’s surface. Users of EWOT report increased energy, improved vision and mental clarity almost immediately.

Running, walking or cycling without the use of supplemental oxygen may actually decrease the oxygen content of your blood because your cells and tissues are using more oxygen than is available for the increased activity. Surgery, chronic inflammation, poor digestion, insufficient nutrition, infections, stress, dehydration, and acidic pH can compromise your oxygenation levels.

Cancer thrives in a low oxygen environment. Exercise with oxygen seems to promote a strong environment for cancer recovery and prevention and has been known to aid in eliminating lyme disease. Give it a try today for enhanced wellness, prevention, and anti-aging!

Cinnamon is a Super Spice!

Cinnamon is an alkaline forming spice. To restore your health, your alkaline diet should consist of 80% alkaline forming foods. It is also loaded with antioxidants, helps the body fight infections and repair tissue damage, dramatically reduces insulin resistance, and has been linked with reduced risk of heart disease. Cinnamaldehyde, a chemical found in Cassia cinnamon, can help fight against bacterial and fungal infections.cinnamon

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