Natural Cancer Treatments

Natural Cancer Treatments

With cancer claiming the lives of more than half a million Americans annually, many are seeking natural treatments. The most common include breast, lung, colon and rectal, bladder, melanoma, lymphoma, thyroid, kidney, endometrial and pancreatic. Have you ever wondered whether you can eliminate dis-ease with natural treatments?

Some natural treatments for cancer include:

  1. Gerson Therapy and Living Foods
  2. Oxygen Therapies
  3. Proteolytic Enzyme Therapy
The Gerson Therapy

These are only a few of the more popular and effective protocols. Natural treatments can activate your own extraordinary ability to heal and eliminate diseased cells. The Gerson therapy has been used for over 90 years and has been shown to heal cancer, arthritis, heart disease, and many degenerative diseases. This therapy includes plant based nutrition, raw juices, coffee enemas and some supplements. The idea is to get the nutritional benefits of nearly 20 pounds of organically grown fruits and vegetables each day and eliminate toxins through coffee enemas.


Oxygen Therapies

Oxygen deficiency sets up an acidic state in the body, allowing cancer to thrive. Diseased cells can’t survive in a highly oxygenated environment. Otto Warburg, MD, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology 1931) made it known that the root cause of cancer is oxygen deficiency. Hyperbaric chambers, oxygenated saunas, rectal insufflations of O3, and certain supplements super oxygenate the body, helping to eliminate chronic disease.

Proteolytic Enzyme Therapy

It has been shown that systemic enzyme therapy significantly reduces tumors. Physicians recommend taking at least 5 grams of proteolytic enzymes 3 times a day on an empty stomach. This reduces inflammation and balances the autonomic nervous system. Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez reported that balancing the sympathetic and autonomic nervous systems through diet and proteolytic enzymes is the key to eliminating cancer.

Scientists and health professionals have shown that cancer is a curable and preventable disease that requires major lifestyle changes. In fact, experts estimate that at least half of the incidences of this disease can be prevented.

Healing Massage Therapies

Massage is an Important Part of an Integrative Wellness Program

There are many reasons to book a healing massage today. Massage is often thought of as pampering, but the therapeutic benefits cannot be denied. Studies show that massage reduces pain, improves sleep, aids patients in getting through cancer treatments, increases motion and flexibility, helps to avoid colds and flus, often alleviates headache, and can ease the symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Stress Reduction with Healing Massage

Massage not only lowers your stress level, it reduces cortisol levels. Cortisol is hormone that can reek havoc on your body if you are constantly stressed. Elevated cortisol can lead to blood sugar issues, weight gain, suppression of the immune system, stomach and intestinal problems, and heart disease.

Freeing the mind and recharging the body with healing massage
Freeing the Mind and Recharging the Body with Healing Massage

Massage Therapy for Pain Management

Recent studies indicate that massage is strongly indicated for pain management. More than eighty percent of doctor visits are for chronic and acute pain complaints. Massage is often an important part of an integrative pain management program.

How Does Massage Combat Illness?

It has been proven that regular massage boosts the immune system. Swedish massage studies have shown an increase in white blood cells that combat illnesses such as colds and flus. Studies have also indicate that massage can significantly increase natural killer cells that fight early stages of breast cancer.

Massage therapists that are properly licensed and trained can be relied on to develop a massage therapy plan to meet individual needs and can coordinate work with doctors, acupuncturists, and other health professionals. Many modalities are often combined to treat conditions and may include Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, neuromuscular therapy, structural integration, joint mobilization, and myofascial release.

The AMTA and other professional organizations list qualified massage therapists in your area.

Treating Viruses and Creating Wellness with Ozone Therapy

Scientific studies have proven that Ozone Therapy can eliminate and deactivate viruses, molds, bacterias, and even cancer cells.

What is Ozone?

Pure oxygen is made up of two molecules of oxygen. Ozone is a form of oxygen that has three molecules of oxygen and is completely different than O2. It is a powerful oxidizer which makes it so valuable in medical treatments, water purification, and air purification.

Oxidative stress occurs when the body has an overload of free radicals that the body can’t counteract with antioxidant defenses. When the ozone enters the bloodstream, it interacts with the blood creating hydroxyperoxides. Hydroxyperoxides only affect and destroy unhealthy cells, bacterias and viruses, leaving healthy cells in tact.

ozone image

How to get Ozone into Your Body

  • Ozonated Saunas (your pores open in the warm sauna, and O3 gets into the body through the skin; while in the sauna, your head is out so you don’t breathe in the O3)
  • Ozonated Drinking Water
  • Rectal or Vaginal Insufflations (O3 can be introduced into the body through a catheter… it goes into the bloodstream quickly with this method)
Ozone Therapy
Ozone Therapy in the Steam Sauna

What can Ozone Therapy do for Me?

Ozone boosts the immune system and increases oxygen levels in your tissues and cells. It also kills bacterias and viruses, gives more energy to your cells, and decreases oxidative stress.

Ozone has been shown to be effective in treating herpes, arthritis, candida, fungus, Epstein-Barr virus, cancer cells and so much more! Doctors in Germany have been treating Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, and other nervous system disorders with O3.

There are many reasons for low oxygenation levels in the blood including shallow breathing, polluted air, sedentary lifestyle, and poor posture. Doctors and centers that are using ozone in their practices can be found online, along with other powerful oxygen therapies.

Low Level Laser Therapy for Reducing Pain, Inflammation and Edema

The low level of near infrared light generated by a laser has been shown to stimulate and repair tissues.

Low level laser therapy (LLLT) is often applied to a wound or injury for short periods of time. When the light is applied at proper levels and amount of time, it can be quite effective for treating pain and inflammation, speeding healing, and even reversing some conditions. Often treatment last only a few minutes and is used multiple times.

You might ask, “How can light heal me?” Current research shows that the light. or phototherapy, stimulates certain processes in the cells that are touched by the laser. The mitochondria are the powerhouses of each cell. When the light stimulates the mitochondria, there will be an increase in respiration and more energy available to the cells.

LLLT has been widely tested in clinical trials and has been shown to be very effective for treating both acute and chronic conditions. The low level laser is effective for treating wounds, nerve issues, tendons, bones, and internal organs.


LLLT can be found in many clinical settings including physician and chiropractic offices, massage therapy centers, and acupuncture clinics. Cold lasers are being studied for their effectiveness in attacking viruses, reducing scars and burns, speeding wound healing, and much more. There are also laser devices designed to target and eliminate fat and others are used to treat and eliminate acne when an actual bacteria is responsible for the skin issue. Massage therapists incorporate this therapy into their practices to help eliminate inflammation and speed healing on multiple levels. Medical professionals and health practitioners are using these tools effectively in their practices.

Wheatgrass: Step By Step Instructions on How to Grow Your Own

Wheatgrass juice is a powerful detoxifier and floods the body with vitamins and minerals.  Many consider it to be one of nature’s finest medicines!

Wheatgrass is Liquid Sunshine… here are the steps to growing your own:

  • Purchase hard winter wheat in the bulk section of your local natural foods store or online. 
  • Soak 2 cups of the wheat seed in unfiltered water for 8 – 12 hours or overnight.
  • Sprout the seeds in a jar for 20 hours, rinsing well and draining 3 times a day.wheatgrasssprouting
  • Spread 3/4 inch of organic potting mix in a planting tray with holes in the bottom.wheatgrass tray
  • Spread the sprouted seeds evenly over the potting mix.spreadingseeds


  • Water the seeds/soil until water just begins to drip out the holes in the bottom of the tray. Allow this water to drain, and place another empty tray on top of the tray with seeds. This provides darkness to allow the seeds to begin to grow into grass.



  • Place the covered tray in an area of your home that has indirect sunlight.
  • Water twice a day… just until the tray begins to drip.
  • After a day or 2, remove the top tray allowing the grow to grow and begin to green.wheatgrass2days


  • Cut and juice your wheatgrass when it is 6 or 7 inches tall (6 or 7 days).



Wheatgrass has so many benefits!

  • Contains all minerals known to man and vitamins A, B-complex, C, E and K
  • Is a complete source of protein
  • Is a great source of chlorophyll
  • Stimulates your thyroid
  • Boosts metabolism
  • Alkalizes your body
  • Gives you energy
  • And so much more!

Massage: Best Treatment for Back Pain

deep tissue massage for back pain
Massage for Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most common ailments among Americans.

It is estimated that nearly 85 percent of our population experiences back pain some time in their lives. It is also the most frequent cause of limited activity in people under the age of 45. Those that prefer not to use standard medical treatments, such as pharmaceuticals, find that massage therapy is the best treatment for this painful condition. Massage modalities that are effective treatments for back pain include deep tissue massage, neuromuscular therapy, myofascial release, and structural integration.

Deep Tissue Massage

This modality is very effective for contracted muscle groups. The treatment includes slow and deep movements that concentrate on the areas of pain. Adhesions are broken up, circulation is increased, and stiff and sore muscles are released.

Neuromuscular Therapy

This therapy, also known as trigger point therapy,  addresses tight muscle with restricted blood flow, myofascial trigger points that cause referred pain, and nerve entrapment. The massage therapist applies varying pressure with fingers, knuckles, or the elbow to eliminate chronic pain, increase blood flow, and increase range of motion.

Myofascial Release

This is an effective technique using gentle sustained pressure to remove soft tissue restrictions, help eliminate pain, and restore function. The massage therapist assists the client with body mechanics, movement, and postural awareness.

Structural Integration

This type of bodywork focuses on the connective tissue that surrounds muscles, blood vessels, organs and nerves. When fascia becomes bunched and tightened, it tends to pull our muscles and bones out of alignment, causing pain and fatigue. Structural integration is used to lengthen and soften tissue, align the body in gravity, and restore functional ease.

Each of these modalities is effective for treatment of chronic and acute back pain, and they are often combined in a session as part of an integrative massage.

Note: The ABMP is a great resource for locating a massage therapist that has achieved proper certification and/or licensing requirements and follows a code of ethics.

Why Sprouts? They are a Living Food!

Growing sprouts is easy! There are many reasons to grow your own Living Food.

Growing Your Own Living Foods
Buckwheat Lettuce

Sprouts are the most nutritious living food on the planet!

Sprouts and young greens are up to 30 times more nutritious than the best organic vegetables because they are young plants. The life force of this growing food is transferred to your body when you eat them.  During this time in the plant’s life, they have more nutrients than any other stage of growth. These young plants are also very east to digest because of their high enzyme content.

Certain B vitamins increase 1200 percent during the germination process.

Sprouting unleashes vitamins, minerals, and enzymes that were dormant in the seed. This is what makes the young plant so nutrient dense and easy to digest. In addition to B vitamins, the sprout also contains an abundance of antioxidants that stop DNA destruction, protecting us from cellular aging and breakdown.

Certain sprouts have also been shown to fight cancer and reduce cholesterol.

Broccoli sprouts have been proven to fight all types of cancers including pancreatic and colon cancers. They are high in sulforaphane, proven to boost cell enzymes that protect against molecular damage from cancer causing chemicals. In order to reduce your colon cancer risk by 50%, you would need to eat at least 2 pounds of broccoli a week. However, fresh broccoli sprouts are much more potent, allowing you to eat much lower quantities with the same result.

Click on this link to sign up for the next Living Foods Workshop at Living Arts Wellness. At our classes you will learn to:

  1. Determine the difference between raw foods and Living Foods.
  2. Integrate Living Foods into every meal!
  3. Grow greens and sprout at home.
  4. Ferment and culture, creating probiotic foods.
  5. Transform the way that you look at and prepare meals!

Massage Types: Don’t Know What to Ask For?

Don’t know what massage type to ask for when booking your appointment?

Massage types that you will commonly see:

  • deep tissue
  • Swedish
  • neuromuscular therapy
  • structural integration
  • myofascial release
  • sports
  • integrative

Sports Massage

If you are an athlete, runner, or just like to participate in sports, you may want to consider a deep tissue or sports massage. Deep tissue works with specific muscle groups to release chronic tension and often pain. Sports massage is used to assess issues, aiding in rehabilitation and better performance. Sports therapy can include a variety of modalities that are valuable to the recovery, repair and healing processes.

Structural Integration

Are you having trouble moving with ease or feeling out of balance? Structural integration works with the fascia (connective tissue) that surrounds muscle, organs, and nerves. This connective tissue can become bound up and less elastic over time. As it becomes shorter and more dense, it can cause posture and movement issues. This can result in discomfort and fatigue. As you go through a series of structural integration sessions, you will notice feeling more in alignment with gravity and ease of movement.



Are you struggling with tension and looking for some relaxation? Swedish is a combination of long and kneading strokes designed to relieve muscle tension and promote deep relaxation. It also increases circulation and may help after an injury.

Neuromuscular Therapy

Do you have a repetitive movement injury? Are you having issues with circulation, nerve compression, or posture? Neuromuscular therapy is used to treat chronic pain that involves both the muscular and nervous systems. Another name for this is trigger point therapy. This type of body work is often combined with other modalities to treat the underlying causes of pain.

Integrative Massage

This type of work involves the application of several specific techniques that target the specific needs of the client. The session is designed for the client and the best therapeutic results. Often the massage professional will use Swedish techniques to alleviate stress, deep tissue to address areas of tension, structural integration to create better alignment, and neuromuscular therapy to treat trigger points. If you want an appointment designed to meet a variety of needs, ask for integrative therapy.

These are some of the more frequently used techniques. There are also mind-body techniques that can help to ease pain and depression. These include Reiki, EFT, Healing Touch, meditation, and biofeedback… to name a few. When booking an appointment it’s always a good idea to call your massage therapist or local center to discuss therapy options.

Colonoscopy… Alternative Screening Options

Avoiding a Colonoscopy?

How many of you would like to avoid having a colonoscopy? Colorectal cancer is the second leading form of cancer in the United States. It is diagnosed in 130,000 people each year in the United States alone. Current research links obesity with increased risk of colorectal cancer. These findings suggest that a high calorie diet turns of a key hormone that is secreted in the intestines, which deactivates tumor suppression. Lifestyle is extremely important in maintaining gut health! Doctors also recommend regular screening for colorectal cancer prevention.

Concerns about the procedure

Colonics are an effective procedure for helping to prepare for a colonoscopy and can be much more comfortable than the prescriptions used to evacuate the intestines. Many of our clients have expressed concern about the colonoscopy procedure. Did you know that:

  • Doctor’s often require a bowel preparation (as much as 3 days)
  • The procedure requires sedation
  • The risks from sedation and passage of the six foot long tube into your colon are considerable
  • The bowel is perforated in 1 out of every 1000 procedures
  • Unclean practices can result in the introduction of pathogens into your body
  • The procedure costs up to $3000 each

Alternatives to colonoscopy

Fortunately, there are some great alternatives for screening. First is the sigmoidoscopy. The scope is only two feet in length with two bends. The procedure takes only 10 minutes and costs only around $200.

A client informed me of another option, which is an easy to use stool DNA test that can be done at home! You simply collect a stool sample which is mailed to a lab for diagnosis. The lab looks for DNA markers that indicate the presence of collateral cancer. There is no special preparation, no diet changes, and no time off work or play! Cologuard is available by prescription only, so you will have to see your doctor in order to get the kit.


Colonoscopy - Digestive system image

Lifestyle Changes: Top 5 to Create Health

5 Lifestyle Changes To Create Health

  • Eat more fresh or frozen vegetables, fruits, herbs, and spices. Drink only water and teas.
  • Eliminate or reduce processed foods, refined sugars, fast foods, and sodas. This matches up with reducing high-glycemic index foods, high fructose corn syrup and trans fats.
  • Eliminate or reduce pasteurized dairy products.
  • Reduce or eliminate conventional meats, especially pork and red meat. Organic grass-fed meats and wild fish are good in moderation.
  • Eliminate or reduce highly genetically modified foods: wheat, soy, corn, and peanuts.

Making Changes That Last

Most of us allow food to take over out lives, and we end up “living to eat”. Probably the most difficult part of lifestyle changes is learning to “eat to live”.  Once you are able to give up the processed and refined foods, dairy products, and sugar, you will be well on your way to a true lifestyle change. The first 3 weeks are often the most difficult. After this, the cravings will start to fall away.

The Living Foods Lifestyle

Living Foods are raw, vegan and in their original, uncooked state. This lifestyle promotes cleansing and overall wellness because it is easy to digest and nutrient dense. It was developed by Dr. Ann Wigmore to combat deficiency and toxic buildup in our bodies. The Ann Wigmore Institute in Aguada, Puerto Rico was my home and workplace for a year. Many of the people that came to learn the lifestyle were suffering from dis-ease and eating disorders. This lifestyle is powerful… it is miraculous what happens when the body is given the proper nutrition and allowed to eliminate toxic build up!

Sign up for our Living Foods Lifestyle classes and learn to grow young greens and sprouts, dehydrate and ferment foods, make “energy soup”, grow wheatgrass, and EAT TO LIVE!

Lifestyle Changes and Wellness
Eat Your Greens!

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