What Can I Expect During The Colonic Appointment?

What Can I Expect During The Colonic Appointment?

You can expect to be educated, supported, and well cared for during a colonic procedure at Living Arts Wellness.  Here is some information that will help you understand what to expect during your appointment:

  1. Intake Forms: Your therapist may briefly review or confirm certain details from the colonic health questionnaire that you submitted before your appointment. If you are not able to submit your intake forms in advance, your therapist will ask you to complete the forms before your session begins.
  2. Explanation of the procedure: The therapist will explain the procedure to you, including the purpose, benefits, and what to expect during the session. They will address any concerns or questions you may have.
  3. Preparation: Your therapist will step out of the treatment room to give you privacy to undress from the waist down and lie down on your backside on the treatment table.  Your therapist will provide you with a drape to cover yourself and an extra blanket for your comfort (if needed). Your therapist will also offer to adjust the temperature on the heated biomat on the table.
  4. Positioning: The colonic procedure will be performed while you are lying on your back with your knees bent. You may be asked to turn on your left side at the beginning of the session to allow access to the rectal area so the speculum can be gently inserted.
  5. Insertion of the speculum: A factory-sealed, sterile, disposable speculum will be lubricated and gently inserted into your rectum. You will have the choice to insert the speculum yourself, or give permission for your colon hydrotherapist to assist you with the insertion of the speculum. The insertion will be done with care to minimize discomfort. Once the speculum is inserted, two tubes will be connected to the speculum: (1) will introduce clean water into the colon, and the other (2) will carry waste from the colon through the viewing tube and out to the sewer. 
  6. Water flow: Once the speculum is inserted and the tubes are connected, your therapist will turn on the filtered water so it can flow into your colon. The water will be slightly warmed to enhance comfort. The water gently fills the colon, creating a flushing effect.
  7. Monitoring and adjustments: Throughout the procedure, your therapist will monitor the water pressure and temperature, as well as your comfort level. They may make adjustments to ensure the procedure is performed safely and effectively.  It is important to know that you are always in control of the session.  You can ask your therapist to stop the flow of water or end the session at any time.
  8. Abdominal Massage: Your therapist may use gentle abdominal massage techniques to help facilitate the movement of gas and waste material and enhance the calming and cleansing effect of the procedure. We respect that all clients have different preferences regarding personal touch, so while abdominal massage may be offered, it is never required as part of a colonic procedure. You can choose to accept or decline abdominal massage at any time.
  9. Release of waste material: As the water fills the colon, you may feel a sensation of fullness or pressure. When you feel the urge to release (which may feel like having an urge to use the toilet) your therapist will stop the flow of water, and open the valve that will allow the water along with any waste to leave your colon.  Releasing waste during a colonic session is different from releasing waste on the toilet.  You will not need to push or strain to release waste during your colonic session.  Your job will be to breathe from your belly and allow the waste to effortlessly leave your body.  The more you breathe and relax, the more you release.
  10. Repeated cycles: The process of filling and releasing water may be repeated several times during the session to thoroughly cleanse the colon.
  11. Privacy and comfort: Your therapist will prioritize your privacy and do their best to make you feel as comfortable as possible throughout the procedure. Open communication with the therapist is key, so we encourage you to share any concerns or discomfort you may experience so the therapist can make adjustments to increase your comfort.
  12. Completion and aftercare: Once the session is complete, the speculum will be removed, and the practitioner may provide you with post-colonic instructions or recommendations. This may include dietary advice, hydration tips, or information on any potential side effects to watch out for.

It’s important to have a discussion with your colon hydrotherapist beforehand to fully understand the procedure, ask any questions, and ensure you are comfortable with the process.

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